Affordability, reliability and security of energy must be at the heart of energy policy.
Given the competing demands, carbon emissions policy should be integrated into energy policy, to ensure balance and minimise conflict in policy objectives. It is important that energy policies focus on market-based solutions that stimulate private sector investment and increase competition in the market.
We must streamline and fast-track environmental approval processes and rethink the so-called 'Nature Positive' regulatory changes that threaten economic development.
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We must streamline and fast-track environmental approval processes and rethink the so-called 'Nature Positive' regulatory changes that threaten economic development.
The environmental assessment and approval process for major projects is highly complex and the regulatory requirements on business are substantial.
The emphasis of the Nature Positive reforms must be to simplify and streamline the environmental approval process, reduce the compliance burden and make it easier for businesses to invest and grow.
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The Government should make the journey to net zero at the lowest cost by focusing on market-based solutions.
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The Government should make the journey to net zero at the lowest cost by focusing on market-based solutions.
The focus must be on stimulating private sector investment and increasing competition in the market, to restore Australia's status as a low-cost energy producer.
Only then can we realise the energy competitive advantages in our domestic economy.
Access to cheaper energy will lower the cost of living for all Australian and foster globally competitive business and manufacturing sectors.
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A fuel source-neutral approach must be adopted to future energy supply to ensure that emissions targets are met in the most efficient, least-cost manner.
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A fuel source-neutral approach must be adopted to future energy supply to ensure that emissions targets are met in the most efficient, least-cost manner.
All options must be on the table to ensure that Australian businesses do not find themselves marooned with limited, higher cost energy sources.
The focus must be on technologies that enhance productivity and strengthen the economy, while at the same time delivering cost-effective emissions reduction.
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The Productivity Commission should conduct a comprehensive review of the existing hundreds of climate change policies at federal and state level with the aim of rationalising and eliminating inefficient approaches and focusing on effective and coordinated policies.
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The Productivity Commission should conduct a comprehensive review of the existing hundreds of climate change policies at federal and state level with the aim of rationalising and eliminating inefficient approaches and focusing on effective and coordinated policies.
Rationalising policies would work to reduce the amount of complexity and compliance burdens that weigh down businesses.
The focus must be on developing a comprehensive national principles-based approach to better align climate change and carbon emission reduction policies at federal, state and territory levels.
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Increase transparency regarding the future energy transition task to build investor and business confidence.
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Increase transparency regarding the future energy transition task to build investor and business confidence.
ACCI supports the Australian government's emission reduction targets, but greater transparency regarding progress along the pathway will help to reassure investors and the public that targets are being met and can continue to be without undue costs.
Significant policy decisions will continue to be necessary over coming years, and maximising the transparency around progress, costs, trade-offs, and opportunities will be vital to ensure that future policies are based on the best quality information.
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We need to work with State governments to unlock restrictions on gas exploration and streamline approvals to increase domestic supply and cut prices.
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We need to work with State governments to unlock restrictions on gas exploration and streamline approvals to increase domestic supply and cut prices.
Australia's east coast market is dysfunctional, with annual domestic gas supply shortfalls forecast from 2028.
Gas will continue to play an important role in the net zero transition, firming renewable power generation and in hard-to-abate sectors like manufacturing and minerals processing, until alternative forms of energy are developed and scaled up to the point of being economically viable.
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